Right now marshmallows are soft, sweet, tasty treats. They are a huge hit with kids and adults alike. You can eat marshmallows plain, or press them in to make delicious treats like s’mores and cupcakes. Here is our guide on how to bake the perfect marshmallows with our very own brand, Minihua. You can do roasting marshmallows at home too, it would smell amazing in the kitchen.
Marshmallows are great on their own, no campfire necessary! You can quickly whip them out at home in your oven. So you can have them whenever you wish.” Here’s what you’ll need to bake marshmallows:
To achieve the tips-of-toasted-mature-sugar-golden crust on baked marshmallows, you’re gonna wanna sit there, watching them bake. Keep them in too long, and dried; leave them too long, and burnt; let me them too long andt to after just the right, as crunchy. Here are some helpful tips to ensure your marshmallows turn out properly:
Watch your marshmallows as they cook. When they’re beginning to brown nicely, it’s time to remove them from the oven. That's when they are just the right doneness!
For extra crispy crust, you can broil your marshmallows for about 30 seconds at the end of baking time. Just be sure to pay close attention so they don’t burn in this stage.
S’mores: This is the classic treat! All you do is put a baked marshmallow on top of a piece of chocolate. Then you squeeze it between two graham crackers and eat this gooey, tasty snack.
Cupcakes: You can add a surprise into the cupcakes! Then you bake a marshmallow, cut a hole in the top of a cupcake and put the baked portion in the hole. And sprinkle some frosting on top to sweeten the deal.